How to create or join a guild in Neverwinter, the free to play Dungeons and Dragons MMO

Neverwinter is a free to play Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) for Xbox One and Steam from Perfect World Entertainment. Since launching in June 2015, the Xbox One version has received numerous free expansions to date (with more on the way). One of the most exciting additions from these expansions is guilds.

By joining a guild, Neverwinter players will gain access to a vast Stronghold area, new quests, items, and Achievements. Read our guide to learn about the benefits of joining a guild, how to create a guild of your own, and most importantly – how to join the Windows Central guild!

Note: This guide applies to both the Xbox One and Steam versions of the game, but Windows Central only has a guild on Xbox One.

Requirements to join or create a guild

How to create or join a guild in Neverwinter

Joining a guild is easy. Just ask a member of the guild with invite privileges to invite you. Your character needs to be the minimum level set by the guild in order to accept the invite. It will appear as a notification at the top of the screen when it arrives or the next time you log in. Press the appropriate button to accept or reject the invite.

The ability to create is restricted to players of level 15 or higher. The good news is that reaching level 15 doesn't take all that long. After all, with a max level of 70, 15 is just a drop in the bucket. After starting a fresh character, you should be able to reach the level requirement within six hours or so. You needn't go out of your way to advance faster, either. Just accept and complete every story- and side-quest you come across, and you'll fly through the levels in no time.

Creating a guild takes five players of level 15 or higher to gather in a single group. Once you have such a team gathered, everyone needs to switch to the same Instance. The group leader must then visit the Guild Registrar in Protector's Enclave (the starting city) and ask to start the guild. The Registrar is located right next to Sergeant Knox, one of the main quest-givers.

Guild benefits

How to create or join a guild in Neverwinter

The primary benefit to Neverwinter guilds is that players gain access to an entirely new area: the guild Stronghold. To reach your Stronghold after joining a guild, head to any fast travel/world map location and you'll be able to select it from the destination list.

Your Stronghold is a massive multilevel castle filled with NPCs to interact with. The Steward and his team will assign quests to guild members and perform other useful functions. These include Stronghold team quests, daily quests, and hourly quests for the members of your guild.

Besides teaming up on quests, your main goal as a guild member should be expanding the Stronghold. The guild can build a number of structures that produce resources and provide other benefits like permanent stat boosts, but these structures don't come free. Everyone needs to donate resources like money, gems, and treasures to the Guild Coffer – managed by a friendly Mimic towards the rear of the Stronghold.

How to create or join a guild in Neverwinter

Once the guild acquires enough resources, officers can purchase upgrades and new structures that will benefit everyone. The guild can also purchase guild bank space with Astral Diamonds, a currency earned by completing specific types of quests.

The 'Strongholds' expansion also has four Achievements, three of which can only be earned by guild members. These Achievements are the rarest in the game, so you'll want to join a guild as soon as possible.

For more information, see the Guilds and Strongholds articles at the Neverwinter Wiki.

Join the Windows Central guild

How to create or join a guild in Neverwinter

Are you looking for a guild to share your Neverwinter adventures with on Xbox One? You're in luck. By popular demand, Windows Central now has a guild. We'd love to recruit readers and other players who actively play the game and will contribute to our Stronghold's coffers.

To join, first make sure your character is level 45 or higher and is not currently in another guild. Then message EastX on Xbox Live with your CharacterName@Gamertag. For instance, my primary character name is EastX, so that's EastX@EastX. Feel free to comment here too, but don't forget to send that message.

How to create or join a guild in Neverwinter

Neverwinter is a vast free-to-play MMORPG that can be fully enjoyed whether or not you spend real money. The game will become even larger once the free 'Underdark' expansion/update arrives on February 9th. We'll have a full review by then, plus another weekend stream and premium item giveaway sometime that month.

If you haven't started Neverwinter yet, now's a great time to try it. Be sure to keep leveling up so you can team up and conquer with your fellow Windows Central readers. We'll see you in the game!

Get Neverwinter from (Free with In-app Purchases)

Paul Acevedo

Paul Acevedo is the Games Editor at Windows Central. A lifelong gamer, he has written about videogames for over 15 years and reviewed over 350 games for our site. Follow him on Twitter @PaulRAcevedo. Don’t hate. Appreciate!