New WPCentral app update brings bug fixes, speed enhancements and Pocket support

We have another update to our official app to announce today, in the never ending quest to tune up the experience we’re bringing a lot of bug fixes this time around. For Windows Phone 7 users you’ll see an update to your v4.2 of the app, whereas Windows Phone 8 users will see part one of v4.3 (part 2 will be finished next week).

So, read on for a breakdown of everything that’s changed in this update, as well as a bit of information on the second part of 4.3 coming next week to both WP7 and WP8. Or if you'd prefer you can download it right now from this link.

4.2.12 Changes (applies to WP7 and WP8)

  • Using a new GzipWebClient to improve network speed and reduce data usage
  • Check for music playing before starting the podcast, and give the option to cancel playback
  • Fixed approximately 15 crash/critical exception scenarios in the app
  • Trial only: Fixed bugs caused by Nokia Ad Exchange, and fall back to AdDuplex when NAX fails

4.3.5 Changes (WP8 only)

  • Added read it later/pocket functionality through the Pouch app
  • Added direct link capability to any comment (comment notification e-mails will link directly to replies soon)
  • Fixed issues with voice read back of the headline

So, apart from things being a bit more stable you’ll see the new comment linking becoming very helpful and pocket functionality improving for Windows Phone.

In fact, a quick note on the pocket service: We highly recommend the Pouch app for both Windows Phone and Windows 8, it’s a young app but shows positive signs for the future if the developer continues to be as committed as he has been to this point. It’s also worth adding to your contacts list as then you can just share any website from internet explorer directly to that address to add it to your pocket!

Next week’s update will be bringing a crucial fix for a problem with the app’s storage management (you may see it is using up more of your memory than it should be if you have the Lumia storage check app), as well as capability to clear out the app’s temporary files completely. Lastly, both versions of the app will finally have support for multiple YouTube videos in one article.

As always, get in touch through the comments, forums or through the app’s feedback functionality and let us know your opinions.

QR: wpcentral

Jay Bennett